Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

What's the coolest thing you've learned in Web Design so far? Why is it so cool and how can it help you in the future?

 The coolest thing I've learned about web design is how much effort it takes to put a picture in the right spot, and how to make a website look like a website, if that makes sense. I think it's cool because i see on television website building infomercials, and now that i know how to build one from scratch i just feel so "techy".     

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24, 2015

Define 'User Experience'. What does it mean and how does it relate to web design? Explain yourself.

Before i looked it up: I think "User Experience" means what the computer user feels/experiences during their time on a website. 

After i looked it up: "User Experience (UX) involves a person's behaviors, attitudes, and emotions about using a particular product, system or service." According to Wikipedia this is what User Experience means.
I think it relates to web design in the way of how we create our websites and how we give the web site  tone, which then in turn, gives the user a specific experience. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015

What is a resume website? What do people put on resume websites. Spend about 5-10 minutes looking up resume websites and what they are used for. Explain what you find. Include an image of a resume website if possible.

A resume website is a website that is, basically, a virtual resume-it tells about that person and what they're good at. People put their strengths in the field that they work in, example, a web designer would put whether they're good at coding or animating or designing. 

This is a logo from a website that helps you build your own website.
I found out that most people will put their strengths and achievements at the beginning of their website and slightly drop in their weaknesses throughout the page.
Click on me to view an interactive resume website!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11, 2015

What are you doing for Spring Break?

I am taking care of my mom this spring break. She just got shoulder surgery and she's going to need help opening jars and driving and what not, because she's getting surgery on her right arm and she's right handed. So that's all i'l be doing.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March 10, 2015

Who do you look up to in your life? Why do you look up to them? Tell me about them and some of their characteristics that you admire.

I look up to my sister in my life. I look up to her because she worked for everything she has today, i.e her education her job. She's a quiet, smart, well-rounded and compassionate person to be around and i admire her work-ethic and how she handles people she doesn't like.  

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015

Tell me about your weekend.

This weekend i participated in relay for life at JCCC, and it was a lot of fun. I did not stay up the whole night however, i ended up falling asleep in a folding chair then waking up and moving to the floor for yet another nap. So that was the bulk of my weekend, but on saturday i had to catch up on my sleep. So that's it!

Friday, March 6, 2015

March 7, 2015

If you were the Principal for a week at BVHS, what would that look like? What changes would you make? Why?

If i were the principal for a day i would tell all the students to take a nap every 20 minutes to make sure that everyone is ready and refreshed for classes. I would make this change because i always feel like i need a nap every 20 minutes, so i think it's the best fix. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

March 2, 2015

Tell me about your weekend

This weekend i stayed in bed a lot. On Sunday my family and i drove up to my sisters apartment and had lunch with her.So that was fun.