Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23, 2015

Tell me about your weekend. Give me a story, something funny that happened, an experiencing you had, the way you felt, etc. Include photos!

Okay, well nothing happened on Saturday, but on Sunday i had two futsal games in a row. Since our goalie is hurt everyone on the team has to play goalie, and i skinned both my knees! Oddly enough, i skinned them in the same place!

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 20, 2015

The perfect curriculum would be difficult but the teachers would be good at explaining and breaking subjects down to their most basic components. I think all the course titles would be the same as they are now. I would like to study psychology, the class would be fast-paced but interesting. These classes would be different in the sense that the classes would be faster-paced and more in depth.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 18, 2015

My favorite food:Chicken Parmesan
Foods I'd like to avoid: Chili and mashed potatoes.
My favorite things to learn: Psychology
My favorite color: Teal
My best friends are: My cats
My favorite games to play: Monkey
My favorite books: Gone Girl
My favorite movies or TV shows: Breakfast at Tiffany's and Grey's Anatomy
My favorite holiday: Groundhog Day
Things I do well: Packing things
Things I need to practice more: Cleaning
My favorite place to go: Duluth Minnesota
My favorite family activities: Playing Pictionary
My favorite thing to do outside: Playing soccer
My favorite chore: Dusting
My least favorite chore: Vacuuming
What I want to be when I grow up: Psychologist
A place I want to visit: Paris
My favorite part of the year: The end of it.
My favorite part of each day: This class.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February 17, 2015

Color can convey a lot of emotion when it comes to designing anything from a product to a website to an advertisement to a logo and so much more. What do you think the importance of colors on a website are? What is a color scheme and why is it important to have when designing? Explain any thoughts you might have around color in design.

i think colors on a website will decide what the tone of the website is, for example if a website is all black the viewer might think that the contents of the website will be more dark and scary as oppose to a light pink website.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Think about the quote above. What does this mean to you? How could this apply to your life? How could this apply to your school work (especially Web Design!)? I would love to give you less work in class if it meant you were going to focus harder on the work. Do you think you would get more out of it? Would that work for you? Why or why not?

I think this quote means do less things in your life, but do those things with more "focus" or attention. I think this could apply to my life by, me doing more things that matter to me and to stop doing things that i do't really care for. I think by paying closer attention to what i'm doing and making sure that my work is quality work. I think i would get more out of it because i wouldn't just be focusing on getting it done. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 6, 2015

What's the coolest thing you've learned in this class so far this year? Now that you have a little knowledge, what do you want to learn that you don't know how to do yet?

I think the coolest thing I've learned this year in this class was how to program an entire web site to my liking. I want to learn more CSS, that way i can make my web sites look more professional.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2, 2015

Tell me all about your Sweetheart weekend (even if you sat at home on the couch!). Include photos!

During the Sweetheart weekend i went on various social media sites and looked at other people in their dresses and suits and what not. Then on Sunday i went to McDonald's with my brother and lazed around when we got back. Later that night i watched the Super Bowl and cheered on the Seahawks, even though they lost.